Esri Collector is able to call for positional information directly from our line of Bluetooth Receivers.  The direct connection allows for Collector to get a much richer data set from us leading to better results on your end.  Getting this added benefit requires some initial configuration.  

1.  Connect your Bad Elf Receiver with your iPhone or iPad, and open Collector.  After logging into your Esri account you will find yourself on the main landing page below.   Tap the symbol beside the search field to access the local Settings for this app. 

2. From the Settings menu tap the entry for Provider

3. To add your Bad Elf to the list of available antennae for Collector to use - select the + symbol at the top of the screen.  You will then see a menu offering any Bad Elf Receivers actively connected to your iOS device, select your Elf.  One final screen will ask for an antenna height, leave this at zero unless you are going to mount the Bad Elf on a pole or similar apparatus.

4.  Now your Elf is registered as an antennae with Collector you can select it from the provider screen - after doing so you will see the checkmark indicating provider shift to the Elf.  You can now exit settings with the Bad Elf configured to provide location and satellite meta-data to Collector.

If you have any questions, or issues, contact us at